Sunday, August 31, 2008

LIfe and this thing called college

Hello again! So here is a little bit about myself: My name is Victoria Davidson and im a junior at South. My major is History/Education and I couldn't be more excited about it! It took me a while to get there but now that I finally have I am really glad about it. History is my passion and I can't wait to start teaching about it.
Since I started in the History and Education departments my life has been very blessed, not to mention I have been able to take some awesome classes!! I spent my summer taking History of WWII and History of the Holocaust. I never thought I would learn about myself from taking a history class, but those classes truly changed my life and not to mention fired me up and got me really excited about teaching! I have also been able to meet some really great people and isn't that what life is all about!!
I grew up in Mobile and I love it here. I went away to Auburn for a year, and then worked at Disney World for a few months but somehow made my way back to Mobile. A lot of the people I went to high school with really liked to diss on Mobile, but I love it. I live on Dog River which is where I find my peace and I live only about 20 minutes away from Dauphin Island- I am a big lover of the water! I think thats why I didn't make it in Auburn- no ocean around! I have taken up kayaking recently and it to is now on the list of things that I have completely become obsessed with. There is a certain power in being on the water and me and my pink kayak are loving it!
I hang out a lot at the coffee shop Carpe Diem- it's pretty much my favorite. I'm not actually a big coffee drinker- but hit me up with some earl grey and I am in my happy place :) I love my coffee shop and the people there- the other "regulars"- even though we don't know much about each other, maybe just the drinks we like, I cherish them all and my carpe family always makes my day a little better. Reading is life for me- I am always reading, and I do a lot of that reading right at Carpe Diem. Sieze the day with a book!

I guess that is enough for right now.. Hurricane Gustave appears to be headed int he general direction of the gulf coast so I guess its time to bring in the outside furniture!!


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